Kitesurfing at Kailua beach

It was windy as can be today, but I HAD to get to the beach. Adam and I went down there to check it out and the water was FULL of kitesurfers. So awesome!I used my 70-300mm craptastic Sigma lens for this. This is the first lens I ever bought, when I was in London and thought I might not be back for awhile and wanted to get some different shots, and when the only criteria were mm and price. This lens is disappointing because the contrast suuuuuucks. BUT, 300mm isn't bad so it's still nice to have--and the autofocus is fairly quick. I set this up on AI Servo with burst shooting. That meant boring framing and planning to crop--which was fine because I knew I'd want to zoom in more anyway. Getting around the lousy contrast required some tweaking, but since these are RAW files, I think they're still acceptable--if I was serious about this kind of photography I'd invest in something else, but for zero extra dollars, it's not bad. Regardless of all the lens business, kitesurfing is dramatic and fantastic, and this was a great opportunity to watch and practice my action shots.


Baby, Shrimp, Beach, Gun


I did not die in a tsunami