Three great things about submarines

  1. Sonar. Okay, let's talk about this. Sonar in general is ridiculously cool. Even in bats. But especially when in human-created machinery. It's seeing by sound. AND, it's seeing things your eyes couldn't see even if they were looking. But here's what's amazing. Sure subs are using all sorts of amazing technology to do this now, but back in the diz-ay, people just listening were able to identify other submarines going by--not just the class of sub, but the specific boat, and oftentimes the skipper too! Just by listening, because each boat has tiny anomalies in the way it's made, and thus, the way it sounds. And each captain has his own style, and thus, the way his boat sounds when he's in charge. Again: just by listening.
  2. Resourcefulness. The more I learn about subs the more I understand why my dad is the perfect guy for his job. In normal life, when something goes awry, there's almost always time, experts to consult, people to pay, and a variety of options for fixing it. When you're 3,000 miles out to sea and something goes wrong, you either figure out a way to fix it with what you have on hand, or hundreds of lives are at stake. So you plan ahead and make sure you have what you need. But, more importantly, you make sure there are guys on the boat who will find a way to make it work at all costs. I love that attitude and I think it's completely undervalued in corporate America. Come to think of it, it's often considered a detriment--as "process" becomes more important than results. (And remember--when we're talking nuclear subs, process is paramount. But keeping the boat afloat tends to trump everything.)
  3. Leadership. A submarine beneath the surface of the sea can't radio home for approval for every decision. Or, for that matter, any decision. So the skipper is in charge in the truest sense. In charge of the lives of over 100 men, a multi-million-dollar boat full of classified information and equipment, a nuclear power plant, dozens of torpedos, and several nuclear warheads. These guys absolutely must be sure of themselves, inspire confidence in their entire crew, and be able to make the best possible decisions under exceedingly difficult circumstances. While I'll never be in that exact situation, I do hope to be that kind of leader.

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