What I'm reading: Blind Man's Bluff

My dad works on submarines, so I've been around them here and there (and certainly heard about them) since I was a little kid. I vaguely remember going on a tour of one when I was probably about 9 or 10. Last Christmas my dad took me & Gabe on a tour of a sub in Virginia, and let me tell you, they seem a LOT smaller inside when you're a grownup.But I digress. At some point I was talking with my dad about an analytics problem I was working on, and describing the process I was using to try to figure something out. He told me the tale of the USS Scorpion, a sub that went down somewhere in the Pacific, and the process the Navy used to locate the sub. I was transfixed as he told me about John Craven, the mastermind behind the search effort, and his use of an old mathematical theory that quantifies the value of hunches. They used it to successfully locate the sub. (More about that soon.)Anyway, that was enough of a motivation to get me to read this book, and now I AM OBSESSED WITH SUBMARINES. Seriously. It's out of control. But they're fascinating! The book is full of all true stories of submarines from WWII through the Cold War, and it was the first time that a lot of these stories were made public. I can't recommend it enough.


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