Adam, Jenna, & Logan

I think I already published this - but my site was hacked a little while ago (boo hoo) and I think it got deleted. Either that, or I have the dreaded "mommy brain".Regardless, these people are so good-looking there's no way I can stop myself from highlighting this shoot.I've had a lot of fun shooting my brother Adam and sister-in-law Jenna over the years. Favorites were our weekend in Paris and their maternity shoot. Now their little guy, Logan, is here! Over Christmas he was about 5 months old and we took the opportunity to do some great family shots. He has such a huge grin - I would be in love with him even if he wasn't my nephew.We shot this in my living room, featuring the Christmas present Lefteris and I got for ourselves - a new sofa to replace the Ikea sofa I've been rocking for the last 8 or 9 years. I'm really enjoying how it looks with the cowhide, painting, and photos on the wall - very California.


Despo, Theodore, and Perseus


Happy Holidays