My laptop was stolen

...from my office, no less. This is obviously a major bummer. (Or as Lefteris would say, a major "bomber".) Luckily I had just done a huge backup of my photos, so while this is an enormous hassle, it could be so much worse. I have of course lost some of my recent source files, but nothing major.Overall, this made me feel kind of like I'd just dropped my ice cream cone.The main problem is that for the immediate future, while I'm waiting for a replacement, I have no way to process photos. I'd just processed a ton of them and prepped them for uploading, but I'll have to go back to the source files once I have a new machine...All of which is a long-winded way to say, posts for a little while may be slightly different than usual!


Experimenting with watercolors


Door buzzers in Venice: they look like faces